How to Nurture your Creative Soul?

How to improve your art skills and feel better as a creative person?

As creatives, we always feel the need of making something, whether it’s writing, weaving, drawing, painting , cooking, playing a music, etc.

 And if we don’t do it,( at least I and many of my artist friends are like this) we get cranky and feel something is missed in our day/life.

If this sounds familiar to you, wether you are a professional artist or a hobbyist, this creating should be an important part of your everyday life.

Here are some tips to help you move forward:

  • Be consistent -Even if it takes just 10 minutes of your day, do it. Consistency is the key to success in anything. Don’t give up, even if you are not happy with your results(no one is), keep going.

  • Tame your Negative Thoughts to become your motivations not obstacles.

  • If you don’t have an art studio, assign a spot in your home just for your creating process. A spot where you don’t need to collect your supplies every time you are done with your creating. It can be a small table or desk. Leave your supplies there, ready to go. This way you make it easy for yourself to get started.

  • Schedule- a time for your creating. Put it on your calendar and be loyal! Even the most busy people can squeeze 10 minutes in their daily schedule for their creation. You can do it late at night when everyone is asleep, early in the morning or in the afternoon during your down time. Don’t sacrifice your sleep though because it is very important for your health but if you go to bed 10 minutes late, I think it should be OK ;)

  • Have a sketchbook and commit to fill out a page everyday/night.

  • Join one of the sketchbook challenges groups to keep you motivated. Here is an example from Brooklyn Art Library.

Always Create! ❤️

Sepi Gol Art

This is the sketchbook that I am working on these days. I usually work on this one at nights when all 3 of us(My husband, my son and I) are watching Netflix together :)

This is the sketchbook that I am working on these days. I usually work on this one at nights when all 3 of us(My husband, my son and I) are watching Netflix together :)


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